Pharyngitis or sore throat is the inflammation of pharynx and surrounding tissue.
It can be caused by virus, bacteria and fungus.
A sore throat caused by virus is usually self limiting but that which is caused by bacteria or fungus needs antimicrobial treatment.
Rapid antigen detection test.
Throat culture.
Acute Rheumatic fever.
Paediatric auto immune neuropsychiatric disorder
Peri Tonsillar Abscess
Vincent Angina
Septic jugular vein thrombophlebitis
- Cough
- Rhinorrhea
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Conjunctivitis
- Tonsillar hypertrophy
- Oropharyngeal erythema
- Pharyngeal cobblestoning.
- Nausea vomiting
- Headache
- Abdominal pain
Group A Streptococcal:
- Rash
- Palatial patechiae
- Tonsillar exudate
- Arthralgia and myalgia
- Cervical adenopathy
- Loss of taste
- Mouth numbness
- Oropharyngeal white
- Curd like plaques
- Oropharyngeal smooth red patches
- Angular chilitis
Pharyngitis when caused by viral is self limiting and doesn’t require treatment.
But which are caused by bacteria and fungus definitely needs antimicrobial treatment.
Usage of unnecessary antibiotics can lead to drug resistant strains of bacteria which will not respond to treatments.
It is always better to increase the immunity of the body than to kill the bacteria. Killing bacteria doesn’t do anything to the immunity of the body.
Homeopathy targets the immunity, it increases the immunity so that a human body doesn’t get infected with the said bacteria or the fungus.
We have best treatment for pharyngitis with safe and effective Homeopathy at Best Homeopathy Clinic In Hyderabad
15% adults and 30% of paediatric group suffer with it.
80% cases are viral.
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