Arsenicum: worse at night after midnight.1-2 am, worse cold air,better bending forward. Ars is typically restless, anxious and in fear. Anguish agonizing fear of death.
Kali carb: worst hours 2 to 3 am, 3 am or 2-4 am. Better sitting upright, sitting forward, head on table on knees, better by rocking. Worse lying and lying impossible.
Aggravation from draught.
Sambucus: attacks at 3 am and springs out of the bed, sudden attacks in the night. Gasps for breath. Asthma with suffocative attacks, may be well when awake, but sleeps into the trouble.
Cuprum: spasmodic asthma, violent sudden attacks, lasts one to three hrs and suddenly ceases. Dreadful spasmodic breathing, the more the dyspnoea the more the thumbs will be clenched and fingers cramped. A characteristic: strong metallic taste.
Dulcamara: ‘asthma humidum’ loose cough and rattling of mucus. Worse cold, wet weather. From suppressed sweat. From going from heat into icy cold.
Natrum sulph: worse house 4-5 am, worse wet weather, warm wet. Great dyspnoea and violent attacks. Profuse greenish purulent expectoration. Humid asthma. Loose cough with soreness and pain through
The above information about homeopathy treatment of Asthma is only for information purpose. Please consult best homeopathic doctor before taking any homeopathic medicine for Asthma.