Inflammation of the sinus is called sinusitis. Sinuses drain into the intra nasal meatus through channels called ostia. The maxillary, frontal and ant ethmoidal sinus open into middle meatus. Posterior ethmoidal and sphenoid sinus open into superior meatus. Tiny hairs called ‘cilia’ line the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. These tiny hair function in a coordinated fashion of circulating mucous and filtered debris, ultimately leading into nasopharynx and oropharynx, where they are swallowed.  When this function is not properly performed it leads to inflammatory state.

This state happens due to three conditions like obstruction of sinus ostia[ anatomical causes like tumor or septal deviation], dysfunction of cilia[ kartagener syndrome]  and thickening of sinus secretions[cystic fibrosis]. The common cause of temporary obstruction can be due to upper respiratory tract infections or nasal allergy, this can lead to rhinosinusitis.   When this happens bacteria can gain access and multiply in these sterile sinuses.


    • Filters out pollutants.
    • Filters Dust.
    • Filters Microorganisms.
    • Antigens.


    • Pus filled nasal discharge.
    • Nasal block.
    • Fullness of the face.
    • Facial pain on pressure.
    • Loss of smell.
    • Sometimes fever.


    • Headache.
    • Pain in the ear.
    • Dental pain.
    • Cough.
    • Fever.


    • Avoid dust.
    • Avoid cool drinks, ice creams and fridge food.
    • Avoid going out in cold breeze without protection.
    • Avoid strong odours.

TREATMENTS AVAILABLE: In conventional treatment, long term usage of antibiotics and antihistamines becomes mandatory. which doesn’t really solve the problem.  Individuals with gross DNS have only surgery as a main treatment option.

Our BEST SINUSITIS TREATMENT is ZERO SIDE EFFECT PAIN FREE TREATMENT. Our BEST SINUSITIS TREATMENT lasts from 1 year to 3years time. Our BEST SINUSITIS TREATMENT makes one’s body strong in such a way that slowly the complaints come down. The intensity of the attack decreases and time gap between the attack increases.


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